Ordering Materials
Ordering American Printing House for the Blind Federal Quota Allocation Materials
Schools or agencies may order items available from the American Printing House for the Blind federal quota allocation equal to the funds generated by the number of students who are legally blind registered by them each year. So long as funds are available within a given year, the Statewide Instructional Materials Center will honor any reasonable and legitimate request for American Printing House material that is approved by the designated contact person.
Items ordered with American Printing House federal quota funds must originally be used by students who are legally blind and generated the dollars. Materials ordered with Federal Quota dollars are the property of the State of South Carolina and must be returned to the Statewide Instructional Materials Center after the student is finished using them.
Register students for the American Printing Annual Census at: Federal Quota Census Registration
Once registered, teachers can order American Printing House materials and equipment for students at:
American Printing House Material and Equipment Orders
Teachers can order braille and large print textbooks at: Textbook Orders